SPS Podcasts
Spokane Public Schools is the third-largest public school district in Washington State. With 29,000 students and over 6,000 employees, every one of them has a story to tell. Welcome to the SPS Podcasts feed, where we'll share unique stories and tidbits to keep our community engaged.
SPS Podcasts
SPS Extra: How community partners help SPS students and programs succeed
Spokane Public Schools
Season 2
Episode 3
The relationship between Spokane Public Schools and our numerous community partners is symbiotic, providing activities, support and community engagement for students, while bolstering the reach of our partners.
In the November episode of SPS Extra, Stephanie Splater and Nicole Hernandez chat about how important our community partners are. Hear from Hoopfest, Treehouse and Spark Central, and learn about how community partnerships are born.